Crystal Journey Pillar Candles$11.59PriceYou will receive one 7 inch tall pillar candle that has been Reiki Charged. Light Green - AbundanceDark Pink - LoveBlue - Good HealthDark Green - MoneyPink - Manifest a MiracleRed - SeductionYellow - Positive EnergyBrown - Problem Solving OptionSelectQuantity*Add to CartBuy Now
Crystal Journey Pillar Candles$11.59PriceYou will receive one 7 inch tall pillar candle that has been Reiki Charged. Light Green - AbundanceDark Pink - LoveBlue - Good HealthDark Green - MoneyPink - Manifest a MiracleRed - SeductionYellow - Positive EnergyBrown - Problem Solving OptionSelectQuantity*Add to CartBuy Now