Aleister Crowley and the Practice of the Magical Diary | James Wesserman
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This collection includes Crowley’s only writings on the design and purpose of the magical diary published in his lifetime. "John" St. "John" chronicles Crowley’s progress during a 13-day magical working. Crowley called it "a" perfect model of what a magical record should "be." "A" Master of the "Temple" is from the magical diary of Crowley’s student Frater "Achad," with commentary by Crowley. With an Introduction and commentary by James "Wasserman," a Foreword by occult scholar J. Daniel "Gunther," and a reading list
Note from the shop:
Many of you know that we merged with Grandma’s Candle Shop and absorbed all inventory. Please note we do not agree with stances this author has taken in many publications and will NOT be restocking any items from this author.