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Valerian Root - For Dream Magick, Love + Harmony

Valerian Root - For Dream Magick, Love + Harmony


Valerian Root  - 1 ounce bag

Dream magick, reconciliation, love, and harmony. Placed in sachets for love & protection and used in sleep pillows. It is said that having Valerian Root nearby will settle an argument between a couple. Used to purify sacred space. Used as a substitution for graveyard dirt/dust in spells. Use in protection baths. Burn for reconciliation in ailing relationships, but only with the permission of all parties involved in the relationship. Wear to calm the emotions.

Also Called:  All-Heal, Garden Heliotrope, Graveyard Dust, Phu, Setwell, Vandal Root


The information provided is obtained from various herb books and word of mouth sources. No information is intended for medical purposes nor are any claims made as to replace traditional medicine. No claims can be made for the magical purposes.This is just a guideline, for more information please purchace a reputable herb book or check your source before attempting to use these herbs. If ever in doubt about using herbs for healing, consult your doctor before use. Prices fluctuate so quantity may vary.

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